I am a working mother myself, and throughout my career, I came across different challenges. I invented various ways to cope with them. Sometimes dealing with a problem might be easy, and you will find the solution pretty quickly. But there were times when I had to suffer for months from the same problem until I would come up with an effective solution. Today I will share some common problems/insecurities that every working mother faces once or often during her life. I would request every woman to read this blog until the end because you might take away some advice that will help you and the people around you.



Apart from sharing my own experience, I often hear colleagues complaining about the mismanagement of time and not finding enough time for family or lagging in the work while giving plenty of time to their families. They often ask me,” is it even possible to balance work and family in the first place.” Well, my answer to them, and you will be the same, and that is “a big YES.” Here are some tips that have proven helpful to me:


  • Plan your weekly activities from the start of the week.
  • Have a shared family calendar where you plan everything (google calendars might solve this problem pretty effectively).
  • Organize home chores where each member of the family is given a task.
  • Organize your next morning’s activities from tonight. It may include, but is not limited to, packing the lunch boxes for kids, getting your files ready by the table, packing kids’ school bags in advance, etc.
  • Have family activities once or twice every week where you get all the family members together. Try watching movies or playing board games.



I know it’s hard to handle both the experiences separately. Having a stressful day at work can affect how you respond to your children’s little mischiefs at home. It can also influence your married life. Here are some expert tips on how to handle these situations:


  • Talk about your problems with your partner. I am sure you two will find a solution together. Talk to a third party or a close friend if you are a single mom.
  • 2-in-1 technique: try imagining yourself two different characters while handling work-family conflicts; the character that leaves for work stays at the workplace and the one who enters the home leaves behind all the stress and issues outside her house’s door.
  • Know your problem first and bring all your attention to solving the problem.
  • Prefer problem-focused coping over emotion-focused coping.



While some people might still think that ‘a good mom is the one who stays at home to look after her children,’ but no such scientific evidence is present to support this misconception. In a strict schedule where finding extra time becomes a big challenge, couples find it hard to manage time for children when both partners have jobs. It is a very common problem, and let me tell you, coping with it is easy.


  • Have an experienced nanny/baby sitter after discussing with your partner if neither of you can manage. Interview the service provider well to make sure she can commit to families.
  • You can utilize the services of day-care facilities.
  • Come up with different ways to keep in touch with your kids even if you are at work, make voice records and videotapes that your children can watch when they get home.
  • Have plenty of pictures of you and your partner at home, make your children feel that you are watching them even you are not around them.
  • Call your children during your break at work. Hearing your children’s voice can make an incredibly rough day at work pleasant.
  • Limit distractions and time-wasting activities/hobbies. Take out your family to restaurants or public areas instead.
  • Buy gifts for your children, grown kids might understand your sacrifices, but the little ones definitely require some proof.

These were the strategies that I came up with my experience, to maintain a smooth balance between career and family. I am sure these tips might prove helpful for you or the people around you.