Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about self-love. In times when it is preached that we need to look good, enrich and be successful in everything, people feel needy, repressed, confused, and diminished for not being what advertising, the media and the system spread as a formula for personal fulfillment and success.



Many people confuse self-love with external projections: appearance, socio-economic situation, and social networks, having “many friends” and likes.

A person can have it all and not have self-love, as it depends on the acceptance, admiration, and approval of others to feel good.

Self-love is how we feel about ourselves, if we can accept ourselves as we really are:

  • Be on our bad side
  • Our defects
  • Imperfections
  • Flaws
  • Shadows
  • Weaknesses
  • Limitations
  • Even our “ugliness,” physical or psychological.

This does not mean that we are going to settle down and not try to improve. But without neuras, without complexes, without anguish.

We are in life to explore our potentials, grow, learn, discover ourselves, and be better than before. Each of us is his own master and apprentice.

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Self-love is being friends with supporters of ourselves, in all our weaknesses and vulnerabilities. And this conduct of ours is reflected in the relationship with others, because if we understand each other, we are able to understand the other better.


People often confuse selfishness with self-love. To understand the difference between self-love and selfishness, it is first necessary to know what selfishness is:

  • Selfishness is attachment to self-image;
  • Exaggerated appreciation of one’s personality;
  • Self-centeredness;
  • Excessive self-consideration.

Selfishness leads people to want to draw the attention of others to themselves and to everything they do, placing themselves as superior and above others. The selfish person wants to be the center of attention, whatever the cost. Behind a selfish attitude, excessive vanity or low self-esteem can be hidden. Self-love is different from selfishness, as it does not need self-affirmation and the admiration of others.


We live in a competitive world, which gives the rules about what it does well and is important for our lives.

Due to this type of conditioning and standard of living, many people lose their own reference and contact with their own essence. Consequently, they also lose self-love, living in search of what is not in keeping with their real nature and true values.

In this context, comes depression, phobias, and complexes, because the person stops loving himself, seeking the love of others, which does not always come and much less can fill the love that he does not have on his own.

Ironically, because she has no self-love, she ends up attracting rejection and contempt from others. And it turns into a vicious circle.

To rescue self-love, follow some important attitudes.



It is knowing and accepting our reality, seeking to be better than before, and not better than others.

Talking to us and listening to what we have to say to ourselves is a way of cultivating respect and self-love.

Take care of yourself

Taking care of the body, the mind, the emotions is a form of self-love.

Knowing how to say no, when necessary

There are moments that, out of self-love, we need to say no to situations that hurt and hurt us. There is no problem with that! Saying is not liberating and reveals self-respect.

Develop our internal strength

When we recognize our power and strengthen our will, we are no longer influenced by the desires, vibrations, and impositions.

Accept our vulnerabilities and errors

It is necessary to understand and accept that we are not perfect and that we will not always know how to do what is best. We can learn from mistakes and imperfections, and gradually improve and improve ourselves. Mistakes teach how to live.

Finding Meaning in Existence

However simple and modest, each person has its importance and value. To live in love is to find meaning in one’s own life.

Do not be influenced by the judgment and approval of others

When we have no self-love, we put ourselves in second place before others, and we stop doing what we like for fear of others’ disapproval. When we stop being ourselves, it isn’t easy to love ourselves.

Not pleasing others too much to feel valued

By trying to please others at all costs, we end up becoming puppets, without personality and without self-love.

Keep your distance from certain people

There are times that in order not to harm ourselves, we need to distance ourselves from those who, for lack of self-love, seek to affirm themselves over us.

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Self-love is the pillar of self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-knowledge. Without it, we are unable to develop these three competencies and enjoy all the benefits of experiencing them at their peak.

Furthermore, when we love each other, we take care of our mental health and our physical and emotional health.

This need is often transferred to loved ones. We want our parents, siblings, children, relatives, friends, and partners always to be healthy, willing and, above all, happy.

We help loved ones in our lives, encourage them to acquire more knowledge, make their dreams come true, and praise and embrace them in difficult times.

The same zeal is not dedicated to ourselves.

In fact, the neglect of our feelings tends to be greater. Many people ignore the stress signals sent by the body, work even though they are psychologically exhausted, undergo toxic relationships, and ignore their desires. In addition to being harmful, this conduct does not make sense. We can only be good to others when we are, first of all, with ourselves.

Self-love is the path to personal fulfillment that, in turn, leads to a lighter life in every way. Self-love attracts healthy interpersonal relationships, opportunities, professional victories, everyday happiness, unwavering enthusiasm for life, new loves, and much more.

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